Monday, September 3, 2007

...WhY dO pEoPLe DeLeTe ThEiR fRiEnDsTeR aCcOuNtS?...

Just some of the reasons I’ve come across over the years… of course they don’t actually admit the reason but it’s usually one of these:
1. They got pregnant or they got someone pregnant.
2. They cheated on someone.
3. They ran away with someone else’s money.
4. They broke up with someone and they’re totally shattered.

5. Public Scandal.

I can name at least three people for each of these reasons…
hehehe. Don’t have Friendster? WTF?!??
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1 comment:

rambahfaith said...

panu yan, pag marami kang accounts??? weeh...nice shot pet...keep those queries coming!

i will answer...straightforwardly without inhibitions! charotz!

see yah around!