….tWeLvE dAyS…..
Wow! I can say that I am a chain smoker and I can’t leave my life without cigarettes. I consider Marlboro lights as part of my life. It’s my oxygen in sense that I breathe awkwardly without smoking in six hours. I can’t take not to smoke in six hours of my life. I feel like I’m vanishing if I won’t smoke in a day. And just this 12th of May I decided to quit smoking. I will stand with my both feet on the ground for this mission to quit smoking. It’s very hard to give up the daily routine that completes your life. Its sounds like quitting the most important relaxation of your life. And since I engaged myself in smoking I never, ever think in my entire life that I can quit smoking. It’s been twelve days after footing in my decision to quit my Marlboro lights life. Wow! As in wow! Twelve days is not easy without cigarettes lots of temptation but thank God, I have lots of candies on my bag and near to my laptop. It really helps me to pursue my mission. I only have one reason that I need to give up smoking. I always missed to attend my Sunday obligation and I am offering this sacrifice to him.
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